Learn to meditate with the Sri Chinmoy Centre
Welcome to the home page of the Sri Chinmoy Centre in India, where students of Sri Chinmoy meet for meditation and spiritual activities. We also offer free classes on meditation and spirituality in many cities across India, including Delhi, Mumbai, Bangalore and Goa.
Sri Chinmoy was born in East Bengal in 1931, and from the age of 12 to 32 lived in an ashram in southern India. There he attained high levels of spiritual realisation, before arriving to America in 1964, where he taught meditation to the staff and delegates of the United Nations.
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India: Her Consciousness And Light
Excerpt from the book India, My India. Mother India's Summit-Prides by Sri Chinmoy
What is India's inner message to the world at large? Spirituality. What is spirituality? It is the natural way of truth that successfully communes with the Beyond here on earth.
What is India's absolutely distinctive possession? Her soul. She lives in the soul, she lives from the soul and she lives for the soul.
Where can the world find the real nature of India? In the ever-wakeful domain of the Spirit.
What has made the history of India unique? A most surprising and unusual continuity of the line of her spiritual seekers and Masters.
What does Indian spirituality teach? It teaches the world to conquer the evil of the lower nature and to go beyond the good of the higher nature.
What is Mother India's desire? It is to transcend the human way once and for all through radical self-transmutation, and to enter into the ever-dynamic Way of God.
Religion, however mighty it may be, is not and cannot be the message of India. Her message is Self-realisation.
The perfect truth of India's religion lies in its outer and inner realisation of the One that is, of the One that is in the process of becoming.
O world, on you march towards the deepest recesses of your heart! To your amazement, you will find Mother India to be anything but God-fearing. What then is she? She is God-loving: the God-loving soul in God's all-dreaming and all-manifesting Truth.
The soul of India feels that to be satisfied with intellectual speculation is to remain satisfied with only half of the food that is actually needed for health. It is realisation that gives one a full meal. And if one seeks realisation, meditation and concentration are of paramount importance.
Indian philosophy, in its most sublime sense, is nothing short of the practical realisation of the Truth.
There is no more than a hyphen between the Vision of the Vedic seers and the soul of India, and between India's spirituality and the final spiritual liberation of the world.
- Sri Chinmoy